The Honors Academy Student Spotlight: Where Are They Now? column features Southwest honors students along their life’s journey. If you would like to submit a story about a Southwest honors student, please contact Southwest’s Honors Program

Sophia Hahn

Sophia Hahn
Sophia Hahn

Our first honoree is Sophia Hahn, who graduated from Southwest with an A.S. degree in sociology in the spring of 2018. Sophia is currently a Peer Power Success Coach at Melrose High School, while she completes her bachelor's degree in World Languages from the University of Memphis. Sophia aspires to become a teacher, because "Teaching is my passion," she says, and it shows. Although graduated from Southwest, she still allows time in her busy schedule to tutor multiple students at Southwest. Sophia has as her goal to enter the MAT program at UofM and teach English, German, and ESL. She reflects fondly on her time with the Honors Academy, where she served as president, saying that the friendships she found there, and the strong bonds she enjoyed with faculty and students made Honors much like an extended family. "[Honors] gave me the confidence to push myself to my greatest potential," she says. "It was a family full of endless support."


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