Southwest extends Back to Campus Plan - Phase II for Spring Semester

By Diana Fedinec

SouthwestSouthwest has extended Phase II of its Back to Campus Plan to encompass the Spring Semester which begins Jan. 19, 2021. College officials made the decision in response to the escalating surge of COVID-19 positive cases and deaths in Memphis and the Mid-South. Tennessee is currently considered the most infectious state in the nation and the world.

Winter Terms will continue to take place online until Jan. 31, 2021. On-campus classes are restricted to those technical and skills-based courses that require face-to-face instruction. 

Phase III of the Back to Campus Plan will begin in summer should pandemic conditions improve. Southwest’s COVID-19 Task Force is monitoring the pandemic daily to ensure the safety and health of students and employees for a successful return to campus.

All campus access protocols remain in place. Campus visitors must pass an online campus access health assessment prior to arriving on campus and undergo a body temperature screening at the entrance to campus. Face masks and social distancing are required while on campus.

Students are advised to plan ahead for their spring classes by meeting with advisors, registering early and purchasing their books online through the Follett Bookstore.

For more information on the College’s Coronavirus response, visit  To learn more about the four phases of the Back to Campus Plan, visit Southwest’s Back to Campus Plan site.