Southwest President Tracy D. Hall to lead Tennessee Board of Regents Presidents’ Council

For more information, contact:
Diana Fedinec, Director Public Relations and Media
(901) 333-4247

Southwest is proud to announce the appointment of Southwest President Tracy D. Hall as the 2019 President of the Tennessee Board of Regents’ (TBR) Presidents’ Council. 

Dr. Hall was elected by Tennessee community college presidents to represent community colleges across the state and Tennessee College of Applied Technology (TCAT) Jackson and Whiteville President Jeff Sisk was elected by the technical colleges as their representative. The 13 community colleges in the TBR system comprise all two-year public institutions in Tennessee. Each community college has a specific service area.

TBR Chancellor Flora W. Tydings said, “I’m delighted that our college presidents elected Dr. Hall to lead the TBR Presidents’ Council this year and I look forward to an even closer working relationship with her in her new role. The presidents are the chief executive officers of our campuses – working directly with students and faculty – and are leaders in their communities, so the Board of Regents and I rely on them for advice, input and guidance on policy affecting our students, faculty and communities.”

“I am honored to represent the interests of my fellow presidents and their respective institutions and Southwest,” President Hall said. “I appreciate this vote of confidence on the part of my colleagues.”

Dr. Hall has more than 14 years of academic leadership.  She began her tenure at Southwest, the second-largest community college in Tennessee, in July 2015.   Prior to her arrival at Southwest, Dr. Hall served as Vice President of Academic Affairs at St. Louis Community College-Forest Park.  She holds a doctoral degree from the University of Missouri. 

“This year is of critical importance to Tennessee higher education, especially given the major changes in state government, and as the leader of the Presidents’ Council, Dr. Hall will help us navigate through it to ensure that we achieve our dual mission of Student Success and Workforce Development,” Tydings said.

As Council president, Dr. Hall will chair the body’s quarterly meetings in Nashville and other cities in the state. The Presidents’ Council oversees policy changes and may present reports and recommendations to the board. Members elect the president to a one-year term.