Policy Matters: Southwest’s Mission Statement

By Tameka Perry   
Policy Matters

The College’s Mission Statement provides a clear, concise statement of our purpose. Southwest is a teaching and learning institution that provides holistic support for students pursuing associate degrees, technical certificates, and workforce development training. We work with business and industries to ensure that our academic offerings are relevant in this demanding, ever-evolving marketplace. 
As our President, Dr. Tracy D. Hall, often says, “community is our middle name.” We do all that we do because we believe that everyone in our community deserves an opportunity. Our ability to adapt, engage, uplift, serve, teach, and nurture makes the College a unique gem in this region.
To help advance the College’s mission, we rely on many tools in our toolkit. The policies and procedures found in our Policy Manual guide our work. Advisory Committees help keep us informed about the needs of businesses. Foundation Board Trustees assist us as we raise money to help students with unmet needs. Alumni and Friends of the College are our unpaid, invaluable sources of advertisement. These groups and others help us advance the Southwest mission.
As we prepare for our Fall of 2024 decennial onsite review by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), remember our Mission Statement and stand ready to discuss it with SACSCOC representatives if you are called upon to do so. Be prepared to discuss with them our unwavering commitment to excellence in our service to the community. 
For your convenience, our Mission Statement is provided below. You can also find it at the link below and posted at our various locations.

Mission Statement

At Southwest Tennessee Community College, community is our middle name. As a teaching and learning college, our students pursue associate degrees and technical certificates and engage in workforce development training to prepare them for the demands of an evolving marketplace. Our ability to change and adapt to uplift our students and serve our community makes us unique. At Southwest, we believe everyone deserves an opportunity. 

Click here for the Mission Statement on the College’s website: https://www.southwest.tn.edu/mission.php.