Police Services
Phone Number | Location |
901-333-5555 | Union Avenue Campus |
901-333-4242 | Macon Cove Campus |
901-333-6005 | Maxine A. Smith Center |
901-333-6479 | Whitehaven Center |
Meteorologists generally define severe weather as any aspect of the weather that poses risks to life, property or requires the intervention of authorities. A narrower definition of severe weather is any weather phenomena relating to severe thunderstorms.
A tornado is a violently rotating column of air, usually pendant to a cumulonimbus, with circulation reaching the ground. It nearly always starts as a funnel cloud and may be accompanied by a loud roaring noise. On a local scale, it is the most destructive of all atmospheric phenomena.
If Indoors:
- Move quickly to a safe interior area without windows, such as hallways, basements, or restrooms.
- Move to the lowest levels, using stairways, NOT elevators.
- If possible, close all doors as you leave an area.
- Stay away from windows, doors and exterior walls.
- Do NOT go outdoors.
If Outdoors:
- Get inside, if possible.
- Stay away from trees, power lines, utility poles and other hazards.
- Curl up in a ditch or low-lying area; stay low to the ground; use your arms to protect your neck and head.
An earthquake is the shaking of a part of the earth's surface which often causes great damage.
- "Drop, Cover and Hold" under a table or desk or against an inside wall, not in a doorway, until the shaking stops.
- After the shaking stops, check yourself and others for injuries and move toward the nearest exit or alternate exit.
- Evacuate the building.
- Do not leave the area/campus without reporting your status to your instructor or supervisor.
Fire is generally known as the light, heat and especially the flame produced by burning.
- Remain calm.
- Activate the nearest fire alarm pull station and call Campus Police from a campus phone; call 911 from a cell phone; or, if available in the lobby, use the red emergency phone.
- Evacuate the building.
- Do NOT use elevators!
- Do NOT re-enter the building until authorized by emergency personnel.
How To Use A Fire Extinguisher
- PULL the pin.
- AIM at the base of the fire.
- SQUEEZE the handle/trigger.
- SWEEP with the extinguisher as you suppress the fire.
A hazardous materials release is the release of a substance that could pose a threat or danger to public health.
- If an emergency exists or if anyone is in danger, move away from the site of the hazard to a safe location.
- Follow the instructions of emergency personnel.
- Alert others to stay clear of the area.
- Notify emergency personnel if you have been exposed or have information about the release.
A suspicious person, is a person or persons whose questionable behavior or actions arouses suspicion.
- Do not physically confront the person.
- Do not let anyone into a locked building/office.
- Do not block the person's access to an exit.
- If suspected terrorist/hostage, lock doors. Do not leave or enter until all clear.
- Call Campus Police from a campus phone; or, if available in the lobby, use the red emergency phone.
- Provide as much information as possible about the person and their direction of travel.
An active shooter is an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area. In most cases, active shooters use firearms and there is no pattern or method to their selection of victims.
- A: Avoid Danger. This is the preferred option and begins with situational awareness of one’s environment prior to any active, hostile act occurring. It also includes having a plan ahead of time regarding what you would do in the event of an active shooter and knowing escape routes.
- D: Deny: Access. If avoidance isn’t possible, find ways to prevent the attacker from having access to you and others around you (close and lock doors, barricade doorways with furniture, etc.).
- D: Defend Yourself. Take action! As a last resort you have a right to defend yourself if you believe your life is in imminent danger.
A suspicious object is an object or thing that is questionable, or arouses or is apt to arouse suspicion.
- Do not touch or disturb the object.
- Do NOT use a cell phone!
- Call Campus Police from a campus phone; or, if available in the lobby, use the red emergency phone.
- Notify your instructor or supervisor.
- Be prepared to evacuate.
A power outage is the failure of electric power for a general area.
- Remain calm; provide assistance to others if necessary.
- Move cautiously to a lighted area. Exits may be indicated by lighted signs if the emergency power is operating.
- Turn off and unplug computers and other voltage sensitive equipment.
- For information about a prolonged outage, call the Physical Plant at 901-333-4240.
An explosion on campus is a release of mechanical, chemical, or nuclear energy in a sudden and often violent manner with the generation of high temperature and usually with the release of gases.
- Immediately take cover under tables, desks or other objects that will provide protection against falling glass or debris.
- Assist persons with disabilities in exiting the building. Do not use elevators, in case of fire. Do not panic. Use stairways.
- Once outside, move to a clear area that is at least 500 feet away from the affected building. Keep streets and walkways clear for emergency vehicles and crews. Know the designated area assembly points.
- If requested, assist emergency crews as necessary.
- Do not return to an evacuated building unless told to do so by a campus official.
Evacuation is clearing people, animals or materials from a given location, such as a building.
- Remain calm.
- Evacuate using the nearest safe stairs and safe exit.
- Do NOT use elevators!
- Gather personal belongings (medication, keys, purses, wallets, etc.), but only if safe to do so.
- Follow directions given by emergency personnel.
- Go to identified assembly points at least 500 feet from the affected building.
- Assist persons with disabilities or injuries without jeopardizing your safety.
- If you are unable to evacuate because of a physical disability, go to a safe location, such as a stairwell, and wait for help. Ask others to inform emergency personnel of your location.
If There Is Time:
- Turn off all electronics, including computers (except in cases of leaking gas or other flammable substances).
- Secure any hazardous materials or equipment before leaving.
Area/Building | Assembly Point |
Academic Building (MAA/MAB/MAC) | Academic Parking Lot West |
Academic Support Center | Parking Lot B |
Bert Bornblum Library | Parking Lot C |
Butler | Field House Parking Lot |
Campus Kids Corner | Parking Lot D |
Farris A | Farris A Parking Lot |
Farris B | Parking Lot C |
Field House | Field House Parking Lot |
Freeman | Parking Lot C |
Fulton | Parking Lot B |
Nabors | Parking Lot B |
Physical Plant | Parking Lot D |
Sulcer | Parking Lot C |
Thornton | Parking Lot C |
Whitehead | Farris A Parking Lot |
Area/Building | Assembly Point |
A Building | Myrtle Parking Lot |
B Building | Myrtle Parking Lot |
C Building | Plan A: Myrtle Parking Lot Plan B: Allied Health Parking Lot |
D Building (Verties Sails Gymnasium) | Allied Health Parking Lot |
E Building | Allied Health Parking Lot |
F Building | Office Depot Parking Lot |
Allied Health [H] Building | Parking Lot 9 |
M Building | Office Depot Parking Lot |
N Building | Parking Lot 9 |
Nursing Annex | Parking Lot 9 |
Nursing, Natural Science, Biotechnology Building | West of Train Track |
P Building | Myrtle Parking Lot |
View the Union Avenue Campus evacuation assembly points map.
Location | Assembly Point |
Fayette | Evacuate in accordance with site plan |
Gill | Parking Lot |
Millington | North Parking Lot |
Maxine A. Smith | Parking Lot |
Whitehaven | South Parking Lot |
View the Maxine A. Smith Center evacuation assembly points map. You can also view the Whitehaven Center evacuation assembly points map.
Area/Building | Shelter |
Academic Building (MAA/MAB/MAC) | First floor MAB between the lobby and the restrooms |
Academic Support Center (ASC)/ Nabors | Nabors Rooms 102, 103, 106 and 107 |
Bert Bornblum Library | Auditorium (ML122) |
Butler | Central hallway in Field House |
Campus Kids Corner | Interior rooms (library) |
Farris A | First floor interior hallway and restrooms |
Farris B | First floor Farris Auditorium, first floor restrooms and vending area (FA1106) |
Field House | Central hallway |
Freeman | First floor south end |
Fulton | Interior hallways and rooms |
Nabors | Nabors Rooms 102, 103, 106 and 107 |
Physical Plant | Copy room and restroom |
Sulcer | First floor south end of Freeman |
Thornton | First floor hallway of Freeman |
Whitehead | Interior hallways and rooms in the center of the building |
Area/Building | Shelter |
A Building | First floor hallways |
B Building | First floor hallways |
C Building | First floor hallways |
D Building (Verties Sails Gymnasium) | First floor hallways |
E Building | First floor hallways |
F Building | First floor hallways |
H Building (Allied Health Building) | First floor interior hallways and restrooms |
M Building | First floor hallways |
N Building (Physical Plant) | First floor interior hallways and restrooms |
Nursing Annex | Basement |
Nursing, Natural Science and Biotechnology Building | First floor interior hallway and restrooms |
P Building | First floor interior hallways and restrooms |
Location | Shelter |
Fayette | Evacuate in accordance with site plan |
Gill | First floor hallways/restrooms |
Millington | East and west Center halls |
Maxine A. Smith | Interior hallways and restrooms |
Whitehaven | Hallways (South, East and North) and restrooms |
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Contact Us
- Ernest A. Greenleaf, Interim Executive Director of Police Services and Risk Management
- egreenleaf@southwest.tn.edu