TBR’s Open Educational Resources Grant Program

The primary purpose of the Open Educational Resources (OER) Grant Project is to increase equity in access to quality, no/low-cost educational materials. The Project works to increase success rates and improve educational outcomes for traditionally underserved students, such as, but not limited to, students of color, first-generation college students, and economically disadvantaged students.

As part of the Tennessee Board of Regents’ strategic plan to increase equity in access and student success, they have awarded grants totaling $650,000.00 to 28 teams from 13 colleges and universities to create free Open Educational Resources (OER) for their courses. The Cycle 3 OER Grant RFP generated 59 proposals, more than double the number received last year. OER materials developed during the first two years have already saved students $6,666,032.48 on commercially published textbooks and instructional materials. This year, TBR is collaborating with Achieving the Dream and SRI Education to study the effect Open Educational Practices (OEP) have on student learning outcomes.

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