New SGA officers elected

By Diana Fedinec 

Congratulations to the newly elected members of the 2021-2022 Student Government Association (SGA)!

Students voted online via the My.Southwest portal April 19-20. SGA members took the oath of office May 19 to serve a one-year term. 

SGA members serve as liaisons between students, faculty and administration. They meet regularly and serve on various College committees. As representatives of the student body, they carry forward student concerns and suggestions to faculty and administration. SGA also hosts educational and social events for students designed to foster student success and advance the mission of the College. 

Congratulations to the following newly elected SGA leaders: 

KaTanya Warner SGA President 

KaTanya Warner is a nursing major who also serves as president of the Alpha Sigma Lambda Adult Honor Society and member of the National Society of Leadership and Success.

Email KaTanya at


Macon Cove Campus Representatives

Ali Hussein

Ali Hussein is a native of Somalia who is excited to be a voice for other immigrant students. He enjoys playing soccer, tutoring elementary school students and meeting new people.

Email Ali at



Kayla Franks is serving her second term as a Macon Cove Campus representative. She is passionate about student success and helping her peers. 

Email Kayla at


Christina McRoberts Christina McRoberts joined SGA to help students get the most out of their college experience. Her major is Radiologic Technology. 

Email Christina at


Jennifer Jaramillo-ArredoJennifer Jaramillo-Arredo loves helping people and making them happy. She wants to ensure students are not only satisfied with their academic life, but also are experiencing the best time of their lives. 

Email Jennifer at


Union Avenue Campus Representatives

Tarjela MillerTarjela Miller is a Nursing major who is thrilled to represent the Union Avenue Campus. She is eager to meet with students to find out how she can help them along their academic journey. 

Email Tarjela at


Teoina White is a Nursing major who is excited about serving on the SGA.  Her goal is to engage students to improve the student experience across the Union Avenue Campus.

Email Teonia at