Q & A with tnAchieves COMPLETE Coach Jessica Gist
tnAchieves is the partnering organization to the Tennessee Promise scholarship in 83 of 95 counties in Tennessee. tnAchieves mentors help TN Promise high school applicants navigate the transitional phase into
college. In addition to mentor guidance, the organization provides advising and support
to students through college to career.
Each summer, tnAchieves hosts a Summer Institute at the College’s Whitehaven Center that enables high school students to get a jump start on their college credits. We caught up with the West Tennessee tnAchieves COMPLETE Coach Jessica Gist to find out more about the “summer bridge” program for students.
Students from the tnAchieves 2023 Summer Institute at the Whitehaven Center.
What is the tnAchieves Summer Institute and why was it created?
The tnAchieves Summer Institute is designed to increase the percentage of students who matriculate to a post-secondary institution directly following high school graduation as well as decrease the percentage of students requiring remedial coursework. Designed for the student who needs math, reading and English remediation, the 6-week, credit-bearing tnAchieves Summer Institute enrolls students in co-requisite classes and seeks to eliminate remediation while also providing the opportunity for the students to earn up to 9 credit hours. tnAchieves, in partnership with STCC, offered graduating seniors who attended a high school in Shelby County the opportunity to attend this program.
As a tnAchieves COMPLETE Coach, how do you prepare yourself and the students for this program?
With patience, humility, and a strong passion for helping students, I was able to come in and help prepare this 2023 class for success. As a COMPLETE Coach with tnAchieves, my role is to build deeper student relationships, support students in times of need and ensure students know where to find resources throughout their college experience. I used that same approach and applied it to the students at the Summer Institute program, and in turn students received a wealth of knowledge that will prepare them for the future.
How many students were enrolled in the program this summer?
This summer we had a total of 29 students enrolled in the Summer Institute Program.
What has been the success rate of students compared to last year?
Last year, the Summer Institute had 27 students complete the program, with a 96% success rate. This year we had 28 students complete the program, with a 98% success rate of students passing all required six courses. This year’s cohort was the most racially and economically diverse in the program’s history.
How many students from the Summer Institute will attend community colleges and universities this fall? How many plan to attend Southwest?
At first only 10 students out of the 29 students were attending STCC, however, upon completion of the program we influenced 10 additional students to enroll at STCC for the 2023 fall semester. So now, 20 students will attend Southwest Tennessee Community College and the remaining eight students will attend 4-year institutions.
Have you seen a difference in the students regarding their college education from the time they start the program to completion?
From day 1 to the end of the program, I saw tremendous growth in each student. Students in this program now have increased levels of academic and social self-concept and self-esteem. Overall, the Summer Institute program encouraged students to develop a greater sense of independence which influences their development of skills, such as communication, planning, decision-making, and leadership.
What was your end goal of the TnAchieves program and did you achieve it?
The goal of Summer Institute is for the most at-risk student population to start college a semester ahead of their peers with the confidence they need to be successful college students. We confidently met that goal! We were able to obtain this measure with extensive mandatory tutoring throughout the program and holding each student accountable for their academic experience.
Do you feel the students are prepared for college?
The students who completed the Summer Institute program reported that they feel more prepared for the 2023 fall semester. The Summer Institute program provided students with the opportunities to build good academic habits, social skills, and balance priorities. As students begin to transition to college, I expect they will be prepared for their collegiate experience.
To contact Gist and for more information about tnAchieves, email gist@tnachieves.org.
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- Q & A with tnAchieves COMPLETE Coach Jessica Gist