Procedure for Note-Taking Assistance Accommodation
Thank you for being a notetaker. Review the information below in its entirety. If you have any questions or concerns please email, call, or visit:
Center for Access Program Coordinator:
Locations: Macon Cove Campus – Farris Building, Room 2182
Union Avenue Campus– B Building, Room 221 B
The purpose of note-taking is to neatly record the main points of what is presented in a classroom, highlighting important key topics or themes that are emphasized by the instructor, defining new vocabulary, and organizing the material in a style that will best present the content of each class.
Notetakers are recruited in classes in which a student who qualifies for the accommodation is enrolled. Any individual who is willing to accept the responsibility of being a notetaker should visit the the Center for Access office on either the Macon Cove or Union Avenue campuses.
- Attend each class. If for some reason you cannot attend a specific class, email the professor and the Center for Access at You must find someone else in class to take notes on your behalf and turn them in to the professor to ensure that the student in need of notes is still receiving them.
- Once you take notes, turn them into the professor at the end of class so the student can pick them up and have the professor sign your timesheet. If you know the student for which you are taking notes, you can give them the notes directly and get them to sign your timesheet instead of the professor.
- If the student or the professor complains about your note-taking services, the Center for Access will contact you and determine your next steps.
- You can be terminated from being a notetaker. If you are terminated before Oct. 15th then you will not receive payment. If you miss more than two classes consecutively (with or without an excuse), you will be terminated. If your timesheets are not turned in between the 30th and the 5th then it is considered missing and without timesheets, we cannot pay you.
- Make sure that notes are legible and comprehensive.
- Maintain Confidentiality. Notetakers should never disclose that they are a notetaker for a specific student through the Center for Access.
- Notetakers agree not to share notes with anyone other than the student, and not to permit the publication of notes in any form.
- Record Course Name and Number and Date of the Class. The date should appear on every page of the notes.
- Write neatly or type your notes.
- Use dark ink or a computer and write on only one side of each page of notes. Try not to use a pencil.
- If you use shorthand of any type, please make sure all abbreviations have been properly identified.
- Leave plenty of space on the pages, allowing the student to add their own comments.
- Write down all related information from the class (including any changes to assignment due dates or class times).
- If there are no notes for a particular class meeting, write the following: “No notes for the class meeting on 00/00/0000.” If known please write the reason no class notes were given, such as "worked on a class project." Still, have the professor sign off on your timesheet.
Timesheets are required in order to receive payment. You are paid per class, not per student.
- Exchange notes for a signature on the timesheet. If the instructor says the student wishes to remain anonymous, turn in your notes to the instructor and have him/her sign on the student’s behalf.
- All timesheets must be turned in by 4:30 p.m. on the 30th of each month to:
Locations: Macon Cove Campus – Farris Building, Room 2182
Union Avenue Campus – B Building, Room 221 B
Without the signature(s), the notetaker cannot be paid.
- Fee Waiver/Discount Dates
- Grievance Procedures
- Medical Documentation Forms
- Counselors/Hours
- Note-taking Accommodations
Contact Us
- Macon Cove Campus Farris Building, Room 2182
- Monday-Friday 8am-4:30pm by appointment
- 901-333-4223
- Union Avenue Campus B building, Room 221B
- Monday- Friday 8am-4:30pm by appointment
- 901-333-5523
Please schedule an appointment by emailing