Academic Probation

Academic Probation is a classification of Academic Standing that a student will receive during the semesters that the student’s Institution Combined GPA is below a 2.0. Students on Academic Probation will be connected to a Success Coach to help guide them through the Academic Probation Process and back into Good Academic Standing. If you have any questions about Academic Probation or your Academic Standing, please feel free to contact to discuss.

Term GPA: A number from 0.00-4.0 that represents the average of the final grades a student received one specific semester/term. 

Institution Combined GPA: A number from 0.00-4.0 that represents the average of all final grades received at Southwest Tennessee Community College (includes College Level Courses and Support Courses). Institution Combined GPA is used to determine the student’s Academic Standing

Academic Standing: A classification given to each student based on their Institution Combined GPA. There are three types of Academic Standing; Good Academic Standing, Academic Probation, and Academic Suspension.

Good Academic Standing: A student’s Academic Standing will be classified as Good Academic Standing upon first-time entry to Southwest (as a first-time freshman). To maintain Good Academic Standing, a student must earn and maintain an Institution Combined GPA of 2.0 or higher. 

Academic Probation: A student’s Academic Standing will be classified as Academic Probation when the student’s Institution Combined GPA is below 2.0 (1.99 and lower). The student must improve their Institution Combined GPA to a 2.0 or higher to be taken off of Academic Probation and be placed back in Good Academic Standing.

Academic Suspension: A student’s Academic Standing will be classified as Academic Suspension if the student, while on Academic Probation, does not achieve a Term GPA of 2.0 or higher. Being placed on Academic Suspension means that a student cannot enroll in classes for one full semester, not including Summer. For example:

  • If you are placed on Academic Suspension after completing the Fall 2024 semester with a Term GPA of 1.99 or lower, you will not be permitted to take classes for the Spring 2025 Semester, meaning you can return to classes in the Summer 2025 Semester or any semester following the 2025 Summer Semester.
  • If you are placed on Academic Suspension after completing the Spring 2024 semester with a Term GPA of 1.99 or lower, you will not be permitted to take classes for neither the Summer 2024 nor Fall 2024 semesters, meaning you can return to classes in the Spring 2026 semester or any semester following the Spring 2025 semester. 

  • A student will be placed on Academic Probation when their Institution Combined GPA falls below a 2.0.
  • Student will be assigned a Success Coach who will reach out to the student to complete an introduction and intake process so the Success Coach can assess the individual student’s needs.
  • The student and their Success Coach will develop a Success Contract to record and track the student’s goals and progress. 
  • The Success Coach will continuously check on the student’s progress throughout the semester to support their commitments and goals.
  • By the end of the Probation semester, the student must obtain a Term GPA of 2.0 or higher in order to continue taking classes.
    • If the student’s Term GPA is above a 2.0, but their Institution Combined GPA is below a 2.0, the student will continue taking classes on Academic Probation. 
    • If the student’s Term GPA and Institution Combined GPA are both above 2.0, the student will be returned to Good Academic Standing and can continue taking classes without interruption.
  • If the student does not achieve a Term GPA of 2.0 or higher during their Academic Probation, the student will be placed on Academic Suspension and will not permitted to register for classes for one full semester (not including Summer Semesters).

Academic Suspension: A student’s Academic Standing will be classified as Academinc Suspencion if the student, while on Academic Probation, does not achieve a Term GPA of 2.0 or higher. Being placed on Academic Suspension means that a sstudent cannot enroll in classes for one full semester, not including Summer. For example:

  • If you are placed on Academic Suspension after completing the Fall 2024 semester with a Term GPA of 1.99 or lower, you will not be permitted to take classes for the Spring 2025 Semester - meaning you can return to classes in the Summer 2025 Semester or any semester following the 2025 Summer Semester.
  • If you are placed on Academic Suspension after completing the Spring 2024 Semester witha. Term GPA of 1.99 or lower, you will not be permitted to take classes for neither the Summer 2024 nor Fall 2024 semesters - meaning you can return to classes in the Spring 2026 Semester or any semester following the Spring 2025 Semester. 


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