NSLS inductees celebrated, given words of advice for leadership success

By Lynn Maples 

Thirty-four inductees into the National Society of Leadership and Success completed the required five-step leadership program that helps students develop skills that drive success beyond the classroom and into a future profession.
Thirty-four inductees into the National Society of
Leadership and Success completed the required
five-step leadership program that helps students
develop skills that drive success beyond the
classroom and into a future profession.

A word of advice…never write an email when you’re mad.

Sage words from Dr. Carol Ash, whose career experience has taken her from dropping fries at Wendy’s and broadcast news to academia, where she is vice president of academic affairs at Southwest Tennessee Community College.

During the induction ceremony of the National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS) on April 25, 2024 at the Macon Cove Campus, Ash imparted four tacit principles of leadership to the 34 new members and their relatives. She encouraged the new potential leaders to use their knowledge wisely and be aware that leadership is more than being in charge.

The NSLS is an organization that provides a life-changing leadership program that helps students achieve personal growth and career success and empowers them to have a positive impact in their communities. It has 829 chapters with more than a million members nationwide. Southwest’s chapter was founded in 2020 and has more than 800 student members with 365 inductees.

NSLS honors excellence and provides members access to a five-step leadership program that allows students to develop skills to drive their success beyond the classroom and into the next phase as a professional or student leader.

Ash said it is this step that can be tricky for a leader as life moves fast. “Be comfortable rerouting,” she said. “In leadership, this is priceless. Things change. Plan A becomes Plan X, Y, Z. Life happens. Learn to control what you can control.”

She advised inductees to lean into the expertise of others to address issues and to not get distracted by the curve balls that rerouting can throw. “To quote the movie UP – SQUIRREL! Don’t let the squirrel distract you.”

The third piece of advice emphasized the importance of relationships and service. Both are extremely important for anyone’s career path, but even more so for leaders. “Be present. Be responsible. Put others and the greater good first,” Ash said. "Doing so strengthens one's ability to lead, be followed, and grow."

“And finally, don’t forget about YOU. No is a complete sentence and a must to protect your peace. Me time should be a daily drip. Find your happy place,” she said, stressing that being a leader comes with lots of challenges that can stress one out mentally, physically, and emotionally. “There is no foolproof way to lead. You will evolve. Make mistakes. But you’ll learn, change, and move forward.”

Congratulations to all the inductees! 

2024 NSLS Inductees 

Ariel Austin
 Aria Barrett
Demetria Bates
Lance Briggett
Morgan Brown
Jinaki Bryson
Shaniah Cook
Laprecious Crump
Demirrea Dear
Madeline Ellis
Khadijah Freeman
Jordan Gardner
Rebekah Golden
Jamyah Graham
Kennedy Grandberry
Chandreka Gray
Ryan Harrison
Kelsey Jackson
Selena Johnson
Brandy Kenney
Hannah Mathis
Laila Muhammad
Iriel Neustadter
Laquinta Partee
Tiffany Presley
Candace Thomas
Tumire Timberlake
Katie Tucker
Candyce Washington
Whitney Washington
Shannon Wieland 
Treneisha Woods