Policy Matters: TBR Regulations

By Tameka Perry 
Policy MattersSouthwest Tennessee Community College and all of the other community and technical colleges in the state are governed by the Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR).  As such, we abide by TBR regulations.  Several Southwest policies mention, and even cite, TBR policies.  We have been linking TBR policies in the body of Southwest policies for your convenience.
TBR recently announced it implemented a new policy management software, which means that its policy links have changed. The previous links will be supported until August 31, 2024.
The Southwest Digital Content Coordinator and others are working to update the TBR links in Southwest’s policy manual, as well as throughout the website.  If you find that you are unable to access a linked TBR policy, please visit TBR’s online policy manual at the link below.
We appreciate your patience as we update the Southwest website with the new TBR links.
For the TBR policy manual, click this link: https://policies.tbr.edu/.