Go Red at Southwest campaign yields a year of heart-smart choices

By Chris Caldwell 

Southwest’s Go Red

Faculty and staff get their hearts pumping during the College’s Go Red line dancing event at the Maxine A. Smith Center June 22, 2023.

Go Red for Women Executive Leadership Team Member and Southwest Community College President Tracy D. Hall, launched the Go Red at Southwest campaign to help raise awareness among students and employees about heart disease, America’s leading cause of death. The campaign, a partnership with the American Heart Association, kicked off in May 2022. 

Over the course of a year, the Go Red at Southwest Committee held monthly heart-healthy events designed to rev up participants’ heart rate as well as educate them about heart attacks and strokes. 

Faculty, staff and students could choose from a variety of heart-smart activities, from Zumba and line dancing, to lunch and learns. An employee Move It challenge was held for individuals and teams each quarter. Winners with the highest number of steps recorded received gift cards.  

A grand finale event was held  Feb. 28, 2023 in conjunction with American Heart Month at the Nabors Auditorium. To watch a recap of the campaign’s year-long events, click the graphic below or this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgkO_00Bz1c.
