By Honors Academy 

Mira Millichamp Welcome to the Honors Academy Alumni: Where Are They Now?, a feature column on Southwest’s Honors Program alums. In this issue of Scoop, we spotlight Mira Millichamp. 

Millichamp was born in Birmingham, Alabama, but raised in Memphis and Nashville, Tennessee. She came to Southwest as an adult learner. At 30 years of age, Millichamp graduated in May 2023 with a degree in nursing with Magna Cum Laude honors. She was accepted into the honor’s nursing program at Baptist Health Sciences University and inducted into the Alpha Sigma Lambda. 
“Southwest has been a massive milestone in my collegiate journey and has allowed me to become a part of many programs, such as being the president of Sigma Kappa Delta, a presidential member of The National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS), an honors program board member, and finally, a newly inducted member of Phi Theta Kappa,” Millichamp said. “Although I will miss my time here, I hope to make a memorable impact on this world outside of Southwest.”
After completing a bachelor's degree at Baptist Health Sciences University, Millichamp plans to transfer to the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) to obtain a master's degree to become a neonatal nurse practitioner for newborn babies. 
For more information about the Honors Program, click here.